"The Forest or the Trees? Tackling Simpson's Paradox in Big Data with Trees" - at ECIS 2014

Earlier this month, Inbal Yahav (Bar Ilan University) and I presented our joint work on detecting Simpson's Paradox in big data as a poster at ECIS 2014 (thanks to the many interested visitors!), and at 2014 SCECR. This work describes an unusual use of classification and regression trees for a causal goal, rather than their normal use in prediction. We develop a tree variant that helps detect possible paradoxes in large datasets.

"Too Big To Fail" — invited talk at Israel Statistical Association annual conference

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I'll talk about the problem of statistical inference with large samples in the closing panel with the killer title "Too much data + too much statistics = too many errors?" of the annual conference of the Israel Statistical Association. The session takes place on June 11, 2014 at 16:45 at the Open University in Raanana.


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