Talk @ INFORMS: Trees for Detecting Simpson's Paradox in Big Data

Tomorrow at INFORMS's Data Mining Cluster @ 1:30pm, I'll be presenting my work (with Inbal Yahav) "The Forest or the Trees? Tackling Simpson’s Paradox with Classification and Regression Trees". I'll show the special use of the tree structure that we take advantage of in order to detect whether a dataset has Simpson's Paradox (reversal of a causal direction when disaggregating the data).

Tree based approach for addressing self-selection in Big Data: forthcoming in MIS Quarterly

My paper A Tree-Based Approach for Addressing Self-Selection in Impact Studies with Big Data with Deepa Mani (Indian School of Business) and Inbal Yahav (Bar-Ilan University) is forthcoming in MIS Quarterly, in the special issue on Transformational Issues of Big Data and Analytics in Networked Business.


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