Big Data - To Explain or To Predict? @ U Toronto's Rotman School of Mgmt

On Friday, March 4 (2016), I'll deliver a talk on Big Data - To Explain or To Predict as part of the Big Data Experts Speaker Series @ Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. The talk will discuss the differences between modeling data for causal explanation vs. prediction, with the aim of clarifying usages of big data analytics in both academic research and industry.

Predicting upcoming movies’ box office revenue in Taiwan for theater management

Application Area: 

Project Details


Fall 2015


Sam Wang, Sean Xie, Jenny Wang, Jessica Deng





Our primary stakeholder is theater managers, an important role in theater who have to arrange released weeks and halls for each new movie. Therefore they have a potential need of knowing how new movies will perform on box office revenues. However, there’s a gap among the box office revenues in Taipei and in US and other movie features, and cause the prediction difficult. Hence, our business goal of this project is to allow managers knowing how new movies will perform on box office revenues in Taipei in advanced.


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