Keynote at 2017PLS on "When Prediction Met PLS"

This morning I delivered the opening keynote address at the 9th international conference on PLS and related methods (2017PLS), in Macau, on "When Prediction Met PLS: What We learned in 3 Years of Marriage". My slides are now publicly available on Slideshare. Two more sessions today were dedicated to prediction, and even outside those sessions there were several talks focusing on prediction and PLS models.

Talk at HKUST (May 16): "A tree-based approach for modeling self-selection"

Next Tuesday I'll give a seminar talk on "A Tree-based Approach for Addressing Self-Selection in Impact Studies with Big Data" at The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, in the department of Information Systems, Business Statistics, and Operations Management (lovely combination!). In the talk, I'll describe the cool tree-based method we developed for addressing self-selection as an alternative to propensity score matching (based our 2016 MISQ paper with Inbal Yahav and Deepa Mani).


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