2nd Edition of "Data Mining for Business Intelligence" Now Available!

Following the first edition (2006), the Indian edition (2008) and the Korean edition (2009), we are glad to announce the new-and-improved 2nd edition. In this edition we've added a set of chapters on forecasting time series, as well as a full chapter on data visualization with an emphasis on data mining and on interactive visualization. A new case, new datasets, and new chapter exercises are also available. Readers with short attention span will enjoy the chapter summaries at the beginning of each chapter. First edition users will notice the nicer design of the new edition.

3-Day Workshop on "Decision Making Using Excel" in Bhutan

Prof Shmueli conducted a 3-day workshop for decision makers in Bhutan on Decision Making Using Excel. The workshop was attended by participants from government (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Revenue & Customs, His Majesty's office), corporates (Bhutan Telecom, Kuensel newspaper), research institutes (Royal Institute of Health, Royal Education Council), and private organizations - non-profits and for-profit (Bhutan Foundation, Rigsum Institute, BISHT and others).


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