3-Day Workshop on "Decision Making Using Excel" in Bhutan

Prof Shmueli conducted a 3-day workshop for decision makers in Bhutan on Decision Making Using Excel. The workshop was attended by participants from government (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Revenue & Customs, His Majesty's office), corporates (Bhutan Telecom, Kuensel newspaper), research institutes (Royal Institute of Health, Royal Education Council), and private organizations - non-profits and for-profit (Bhutan Foundation, Rigsum Institute, BISHT and others).

The opening of the workshop coincided with the 1st World Statistics Day, which was a perfect match! The workshop highlighted the usefulness of data for project planning, evaluation, communication and presentation.

The number of seats was limited to 20 to allow for a fully hands-on workshop. Wait-listed candidates will have another opportunity to attend the same workshop in the future.