Talk at NCCU on May 4: "Research Using Behavioral Big Data"

This week I'll deliver a talk at National Chengchi University's Department of MIS on "Research Using Behavioral Big Data". In this talk I'll discuss why Behavioral Big Data (BBD) is different from inanimate big data, physiological big data, and small behavioral data. I'll describe various methodological, technical, ethical and practical issues that behavioral researchers encounter when using BBD.

The topic should be of interest to anyone conducing research with behavioral big data. This talk is part of the MIS PhD seminar taught by Prof. Eldon Li -- if you're interested in joining, please let me know.

Where: Room 260210, Commerce Building, National Chengchi University (#64 Zihnan Road, Section 2, Taipei, Taiwan)
When: Thursday, May 4, 7-9pm