Hot off the press: 2nd edition of "Practical Acceptance Sampling"

The 2nd edition of Practical Acceptance Sampling: A Hands-On Guide is out in eBook and print format! The new edition includes some new material, a fresh Tufte-style design in the print version, screenshots of new calculators, and of course correction of typos (thanks to the readers of Edition 1 for that!). Click on the book links above to "look inside".

"Acceptance Sampling", or "Sampling Inspection" is statistical-based methodology for assuring the quality of incoming or outgoing products or services. In today's global supply chains, where firms often purchase from multiple suppliers, it is critical to assess whether incoming quality is up to specs. Suppliers too need a tool to assess their outgoing quality.

With this renewed need for sampling inspection, I've authored a succint, practical, hands-on guide describing the logic behind various ISO, ANSI/ASQC, Military and other standards. The book relies on state-of-the-art online calculators for obtaining sampling plans and evaluating their performance.