Adelaide airport – improving load factor

Application Area: 

Project Details




Dinesh Lulla, Simarjit Singh, Shubhankar Bivalkar, Lata Jha, Vibin Thomas, Lakshika Kothari





Business Objective
Improve the Passenger Load Factor of Australian Domestic Airline to 82.5% by arriving at an optimum number of seats from Adelaide to six cities - Brisbane, Canberra, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney for time period September 2016- September 2017.

Passenger Load Factor – Passenger load factor measures the capacity utilization for airlines. It signifies the efficiency with which an airline fills seats and generates revenues. 80% of passenger load factor is considered as standard in the domestic airline industry.

Auto sales forecasting for production planning at Ford

Application Area: 

Project Details




Abhishek Gore, Ajay Ballapale, Bhushan Goyal, Madhumitha Gaddam, Shekhar Sharma





Problem Description
Ford Motor Company deals with a product portfolio that consists of three subcategories namely
cars, light trucks and heavy trucks. The lead time for manufacturing planning of any subcategory
is 12 months. Hence they need a forecast of the total auto sales in the US market for the next 12
months on a monthly basis. Some examples of vehicles in each subcategory are shown in the
appendix. Both domestic sales and exports are to be forecasted.

Two upcoming talks at CityU Hong Kong

This week I will give two talks at the Information System Department, College of Business, City University of Hong Kong:

To Explain or To Predict?
Date: 17 Jan, 2017
Time: 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Venue: AC3-6-208, Academic Building 3, City University of Hong Kong

A Tree-Based Approach for Addressing Self-Selection in Impact Studies with Big Data
Date: 18 Jan, 2017
Time: 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Venue: AC3-7-211, Academic Building 3, City University of Hong Kong


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