
June 20, 2013

"Data Liberation Through Visualization: Cancer in India" talk @ Open Data Camp

In the upcoming Open Data Camp 2013 to be held at ISB's Hyderabad campus, I will present a recent project by the Asia Analytics Lab's Data Liberation Through Visualization initiative. In this project we collected, organized and created dashboards of data on cancer incidence in India. The dashboards were made publicly available. I will describe this project in the Data Analytics and Visualization session, June 22.

June 9, 2013

Upcoming Talk: Harnessing CART for Causal Modeling

I'll be giving a talk at ISI Kolkata's Colloquium on June 19 on "Harnessing CART for Causal Modeling". The talk will present work from two research projects - one with Deepa Mani (Indian School of Business) and the other with Inbal Yahav (Bar Ilan University).

Classification and regression trees, and data mining algorithms in general, are used mostly for predicting individual observations and for variable selection. Yet, these goals are rarely the focus in social science research, where the main objective is causal explanation of overall population effects. While ideal causal modeling is based on randomized experiments, experiments are often impossible, unethical or expensive to perform. Hence, social scientists often rely on observational data for studying causality. Very large and rich observational datasets are now available in many fields. A major challenge is to infer causality from such data. In this talk, I'll introduce a novel approach of utilizing classification and regression trees for causal modeling. I will present a tree-based approach for impact assessment in self-selected intervention studies, and another for detecting confounding variables that lead to Simpson's Paradox.

June 7, 2013

Webinar at Royal Statistical Society's Journal Club

I'll be presenting our forthcoming JRSS paper On Information Quality on June 13 as the first solo Journal Club e-meeting (or teleconference) of the Royal Statistical Society. The paper, joint with Ron Kenett, defines the concept of information quality (‘InfoQ’) as ‘the potential of a data set to achieve a specific (scientific or practical) goal by using a given empirical analysis method’. I will present the paper, followed by Ron who will present InfoQ in the context of Bayesian Networks, and finally we will have a discussion with participants. Calling in is open to RSS members as well as non-members. See more information (including our slides). The paper is made freely available especially for this event.

April 16, 2013

"Data Dispersion: Now you See it… Now you Don't" - now available online

My article with Kim Sellers, Data Dispersion: Now you See it... Now you Don't, which has been accepted for publication quite some time back, is finally available on the website of Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods.

March 30, 2013

My new book "Getting Started with Business Analytics" now available

David Hardoon and I wanted a book that de-mystifies "business analytics". What it is, what it is not, how to get started, etc. David comes with the rich experience of heading the analytics division at SAS Singapore. I've been teaching and consulting in the field for quite a while. We've been asked these question so many times, that it made sense to write the book! Out of our joint experience was born "Getting Started with Business Analytics: Insightful Decision Making" (Chapman and Hall/CRC, March 2013). The book is intended for those interested in making sense of all the buzzwords as well as getting a grip on the objectives and methods that fall under the "business analytics" umbrella. The book is also suitable as a textbook for MBA programs and executive education. Now available as hardcover. A Kindle edition will be available shortly.
